How to Shape a Chevron Moustache


If you have a chevron moustache, congratulations! You’re one step closer to joining the ranks of history’s greatest men. The only problem is that maintaining this type of facial hair can be tricky. See, the chevron is unique because it requires attention to detail (it’s not just a strip along your upper lip). If you don’t groom and maintain your moustache regularly, it will look sloppy and unkempt—not at all like our finely-groomed heroes from days gone by. But no need to worry: we have just the tips for shaping and styling this iconic ‘stache so that you can proudly display yours for all to see!

Wash face with a mild cleanser.

You should wash your face with a mild cleanser, but not too often. You don't want to scrub too hard or use hot water because that can irritate the skin and cause redness. It's also important not to use a towel to dry your face after washing it because the friction from rubbing against the towel can cause ingrown hairs in certain areas of your face (this is especially true if you're prone to acne).

Brush moustache out.

  • Use a boar bristle brush or comb to brush moustache out.
  • You may want to use a comb if you have more tangles than your brush can handle.
  • Brush in the direction of hair growth, which is generally downward and toward your chin (depending on how long it's been since you last shaved).

Trim with scissors.

Trim off any excess hair with a pair of scissors, making sure you don’t cut too close to the skin. If you accidentally cut into your lip or skin, stop and try again. Shaving is a more common way to trim a moustache—but this can create razor burn that makes it difficult for your hairs to grow back in properly.

Use trimmers to shape the ends of the moustache.

To shape the ends of your moustache, use trimmers to trim the edges of your “V” shape.

  • Trim with scissors: If you have a pair of small scissors on hand, you can use them instead of clippers for this step. Simply trim away any stray hairs that extend beyond the outer edge of your line and leave some space between each shaved section (about 1/4 inch).
  • Shape with clippers: Clipper guards are great for shaping beards because they allow you to make careful adjustments without risking an accident like cutting too much off in one go! The guards are also easy to find online or at most drug stores so don’t worry if they aren't available at your local barber shop or beauty supply store—you can pick some up when needed!

Spritz face with water or shave gel to moisten hair, or use a hot towel if desired.

This step is optional, but it can help to spritz your face with water or shave gel to moisten hair, or use a hot towel if desired. Don't use too much water, though—that'll just make your moustache wet and stop it from holding its shape. Don't use too much gel either; that will only make your moustache sticky!

Shave moustache into shape using a razor for a crisp line, or leave extra length for a softer line and use scissors to trim the ends.

When you have the desired shape, shave your moustache into that shape. First, use a fresh razor with a sharp blade to shave your moustache in the direction of growth with the grain. This will prevent ingrown hairs and razor burn, which can be very uncomfortable. After you've shaved it off, see if there are any patches that need more work or are too thin!

If there are areas where you want to trim off some length, use scissors for this task. You don't need to get too fancy here—just snip off what looks like an odd-shaped chunk of hair on each side of your mouth until it looks even from corner-to-corner (or at least close).

Comb, brush, and style as desired.

After you've shaped your moustache, it's time to style. You can do this in a number of ways. The easiest method is simply to brush your moustache with a moustache comb and let it go about its business. If you want more control over how it looks, however, there are other options available.

Spray some hair gel or wax onto your hands and work the product through the hairs of your mustache until they're smooth and shiny—this will help keep them in place throughout the day (and night). Don't forget to apply some at the ends as well!

For an even stronger hold on those wispy whiskers: spray them with hairspray before styling so that they hold their shape throughout the day/night/weekend (or whatever period of time).

If you keep your chevron well-groomed and clean, people will be more likely to appreciate your attention to detail and care for yourself instead of looking at it as something that says you’re lazy or not put together.

If you keep your chevron well-groomed and clean, people will be more likely to appreciate your attention to detail and care for yourself instead of looking at it as something that says you’re lazy or not put together. Here are some tips on how to care for your moustache:

  • Use a variety of tools
  • Don't use gel or water that's too warm
  • Keep the edges clean and sharp


You can wear your chevron any time of the year and with any outfit. It’s a great way to express yourself, as well as a fun way to show off your creative side! If you have any questions about shaping your own moustache into this style or any other type of facial hair, please don’t hesitate to ask us below. We love helping our readers out with their grooming needs so they can look their best in life and at work!

Don't forget to check our latest Beard Trimmers at Beard Guru