How to Properly Brush & Comb Your Beard


You've probably been told that you need to comb and brush your beard regularly. And while that's true, it's also important to know how and when to brush your beard. The wrong technique can lead to damage, split ends, and even ingrown hairs as well as a general lack of luster. The good news is that with some practice (and the right tools), you'll be able to achieve the same fullness, softness, and shine on a daily basis that you achieved after growing out your facial hair for months or years!

What You'll Need

  • A beard comb

  • A beard brush

  • Beard oil (optional)

  • Balm (also optional, but it'll help keep your beard looking healthy and moisturized)

1. Before You Comb Your Beard, Wash and Dry It

To properly comb your beard, you're going to need a good comb. Look for one that has fine teeth, or else it could pull on your hair and make it look messy. There are many different kinds of combs available at your local drugstore; some work better than others at different things (for example, the rounded shape of the Tangle Teezer is perfect for detangling wet hair). There are also combs specifically made for men with beards (I recommend this one).

Before getting started, wash your beard with a gentle shampoo and conditioner if desired (this will soften up any flaky skin), then towel-dry it as best as possible without rubbing too much water into the bristles—you don't want them all sticking together. Once completely dry, start brushing! Start from where we left off in step #1: from underneath where you're holding onto the base of your neck and working up toward your chin in small sections.

2. Start by Combing Your Mustache

It's important to start with the mustache, as this will make your sideburns look neater. The mustache should be combed from the bottom up, and in the direction of growth. This ensures that you don't accidentally snag or pull out any hairs by brushing them against their natural growth pattern.

Note: If you have a very thick beard, it may be best to use a smaller comb for your mustache and sideburns so that you can properly maneuver them into place without pulling on them too much.

3. Next, Comb the Chin Area

  • Next, Comb the Chin Area

Finally, use a small-toothed beard comb to comb the chin area. You can also use a brush for this step if you’re going for a more natural look instead of one with defined lines and edges. However, if you have longer whiskers in this area of your beard, then using a brush may not be ideal—it could create thinning at the end of each hair strand (which isn’t exactly what we want!).

4. Combing the Beard Along the Cheeks

It's time to start combing your beard. Use a beard comb to get out any tangles, and then use a brush for the final smoothing. Remember that if you are combing your hair and beard at the same time, be sure to use separate combs and brushes. The last thing you want is for your hairbrush or toothbrush (yes, some people do this) to pick up dirt from your face, which can make its way into your pores over time. Also, don't be so quick when brushing—if you pull too quickly through your beard it will damage the follicles and lead to split ends!

5. How to Comb The Sideburns and Hairline

  • Comb the hairline and sideburns first. Use a beard brush to brush out the hair, then use a comb to smooth the hair down.

  • After you've finished combing, use your fingers to massage any stubborn knots out of your beard by running them through from root to tip in gentle strokes. Be sure that you're not pulling on individual hairs as you do this—you just want to gently coax them into place so they're aligned with their neighbors.

  • Finish with some beard oil (or whatever other moisturizer/conditioner works for your skin type). The oil will soften each strand of facial hair and make it easier for you to comb through without snagging or pulling on your face!

6. When to Brush Your Beard, Not Just Comb It

You’ve probably noticed by now that we have a preference for boar bristle brushes over comb. This is because the bristles of a boar bristle brush are stiffer than the teeth of a comb, making them ideal for detangling your beard.

Although some people may argue that you can use both types of brush interchangeably, we disagree. Not only do they work differently, but each has its own set of pros and cons:

  • Boar bristle brush: good for getting rid of dead skin cells and lint in your beard; helps stimulate growth; works well with coarse hair; great for detangling beards

  • Comb: better at styling than brushing

Any beard can benefit from regular beard combing and brushing provided that you do it correctly

Brushing and combing your beard can help control the way that it grows, and make it look neat. It can also be useful for taming shorter facial hair, which is common if you have a shorter beard or goatee. However, when you’re brushing or combing your beard, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Brush dry – Always brush your beard dry before you shower so that no moisture gets trapped inside. This will keep both bristles of your brush clean, prevent damage to your skin and encourage healthy growth of facial hair at an even rate across all hairs.

  • Brush in the right direction – If you’re using a wooden or bristle brush like we recommend here then always use them with care and avoid pulling too much on long beard hairs as they can break easily! Always brush downwards along the lines where new growth appears each day (where they start growing outwards from underneath) rather than upwards towards their tips because this causes split ends which aren’t very flattering looking!


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of grooming your beard. It doesn't matter if it's long or short, there are still some steps that need to be taken on a regular basis in order to keep it looking its best. The most important thing is that you take care of your facial hair as if it were another part of your body!

Don't forget to check our latest Beard Trimmers at Beard Guru