Best Beard Styles for a Round Face


You know that feeling when your beard starts to grow in, but you're not quite sure what style will suit you best? Whether you want to be a hipster iconoclast or just a man with a healthy face fuzz, we've got some tips for finding the perfect facial hair for your face shape.

To get the look, you need to choose a style that features a triangle or square-shaped beard. The hairline should match your face shape.

Now that you know what styles are best for your round face, it's time to get some professional advice. The best place to start is at your barber or stylist. They will be able to help guide you toward the right look for your head of hair and face shape.

A triangle or square-shaped beard features a tapered tip with an angular edge that matches the jaw line exactly. This is perfect for making a round face appear longer than it otherwise would be by adding sharp angles where there would normally be soft curves on your cheeks and around the chin area, creating a much more defined appearance overall.

If you feel boxed in by traditional beards, go for something different.

If you feel boxed in by traditional beards, go for something different.

To grow a beard that complements your round face, follow these steps:

  • Get rid of any facial hair that's shorter than your normal stubble length. This means no mustaches or goatees!

  • Use a beard trimmer (or clippers) to shape the sides and back of your neck so they're even with your natural hairline. Use a comb for accuracy and control when cutting against the grain, but don't shave or trim too closely—you still want it to look natural!

  • Apply beard oil daily after showering to help soften any patches of dry skin and prevent flakes from forming in the future; we recommend using Wild Willie's Beard Oil because they use high-quality ingredients like jojoba oil & shea butter mixed with essential oils like cedarwood & juniper berry."

A stubble-like beard is shorter on top and longer on the sides.

A stubble-like beard is shorter on top and longer on the sides. This type of beard has been growing in popularity over the last few years and is a great way to look professional, clean cut and stylish. It's easy to maintain as well!

Stubble can be styled in several different ways:

  • Go clean shaven—the ultimate classic option

  • Keep it trimmed short around your mouth and neckline—this will make you look more groomed than just letting it grow out naturally without any trimming or shaving at all

  • Style it a little longer so that there are some soft waves throughout the whole thing—this will give off a relaxed vibe while still looking fashionable

For a full beard (below your Adam's apple), leave some hair at the jaw line.

If you want to grow a full beard (below your Adam's apple), leave some hair at the jaw line. This will help elongate and balance out the roundness of your face. To get this style, start by trimming down all of your facial hair with a trimmer or electric shaver until it's about 1/2-inch long. Try to keep everything as even as possible as you go—if there are any rogue patches growing in different directions, use scissors or clippers to trim them into shape. Finally, use a comb and scissors or an electric beard trimmer (depending on how thick it is) to shape up along the jawline so that it doesn't let too much light through when viewed from above.

The moustache is another type of beard associated with the 1920s and 30s.

A moustache is a great way to express your personality, but it can also make you look more mature, aggressive and distinguished. You may want to consider having one if you have a round face.

A hybrid is any beard style that combines more than one style.

A hybrid is any beard style that combines more than one style. For example, a person with an oval face could wear a full beard with sideburns, or a person with a square face could wear a scruffy goatee and mustache. Whether you have a round or square face, the stylist will help you choose the best hybrid for your facial features.

Hybrids are popular with men who have round faces because they’re flattering and more versatile than any single beard style. They can also be used to hide facial imperfections by adding length to your chin area and drawing attention away from it by focusing on other areas of your face (such as the jawline).

Beards are a fantastic way to express your personality

If you're looking to add some spice to your look, beards are a great way to express yourself. Just like hairstyles and tattoos, beards allow you the opportunity to show the world who you really are. No matter what kind of personality you have, there's probably a beard style that will complement it well.


With so many different styles to choose from, the best way to find the right one for you is to experiment. Take a look through our site of beards and see if any catch your eye. If not, then keep looking until you find something that works for you!

Don't forget to check our latest Beard Trimmers at Beard Guru