Tips For Effective Meditation


Meditation is an essential part of your self-care routine. It can be used to help you relax, cope with stress, and even improve your health.

Do not force yourself.

When you start meditating, don't worry about how long you meditate for or how many times a day you miss. Just do it.

I'm not saying that if you miss one day then it's okay to skip the next one and continue from there. If anything, I think that it's better to force yourself into doing something than not doing something because of a missed dateline.

On the other hand, if you do feel like meditating but don't want to do so because there was this one time where meditation didn't work out well for some reason then that's okay too—just try again tomorrow!

Get comfortable.

The most important aspect of meditation is being comfortable. You don't have to be in a lotus position, but you should be able to sit upright with your back straight and knees bent. If sitting on the floor isn't possible for whatever reason, sit on a chair (just make sure it's not too high off the ground). Your spine should be straight but not rigid; there is no need for forceful forcefulness here!

If you can't sit up by yourself, place cushions under your knees and hips so that they are higher than your hips and lower than your shoulders as well as behind your neck so that it feels supported (if necessary). Your arms should rest naturally at either side of your body with palms facing upward; if this doesn't feel comfortable for some reason, try clasping them together loosely in front or behind you instead. Keep an eye on any tension building up in specific areas of the body like wrists or ankles—if they start feeling tired after ten minutes or so then take a break from meditating altogether until they're rested before continuing later tonight/tomorrow morning/whenever else seems reasonable based off how long it takes them to recover fully after letting go completely without worrying about what anyone else thinks about how long we take breaks between exercise sessions today because we might end up having some kind of problem later tonight/tomorrow morning/whenever else seems reasonable based off how long it takes those parts

Find a distraction-free environment.

A distraction-free environment is the first step to a successful meditation session. Even if you don’t have much space in your home, find a quiet place where you can sit for at least 10 minutes without being disturbed. If you are prone to distractions, try finding a place where there is little or no traffic noise and very little light (the darker the better).

If possible, eliminate all sources of light from your meditation spot and make sure that your space is free from clutter so that nothing will distract you during meditations. It's also important not to be too comfortable when meditating because that can lead to falling asleep or feeling relaxed instead of focusing on what matters—your breath and body sensations!

When possible, avoid meditating in bed because sleeping habits tend to creep into our minds while we're trying not only relax but also clear away any thoughts running through our heads before they become an obstacle during meditation practice sessions later down the line."

Check in with yourself before you start the meditation and after it’s done.

  • Check in with yourself before you start the meditation and after it’s done.

  • This is a great way to see how your mind is doing and what you can improve from one session to another.

Set the intention to your mind to meditate.

When you begin your meditation practice, it may be difficult to settle down and stay focused. It's challenging for your mind to let go of its thoughts and feelings. That's okay! It happens to everyone.

The best thing you can do is set the intention of your meditation—what you want it to look like, feel like, and be when it's over—and then stick with that intention as much as possible. Your intentions might include:

  • Setting a goal or purpose for this session (for example, "I want today's meditation practice to help me feel more relaxed.")

  • Practicing specific mindfulness techniques throughout the session (for example, "I'm going to notice my breathing.")

  • Focusing on something specific in each moment during the session (for example, "Right now I'm noticing how my body feels calm.")

Focus on the moment, not on the end result.

This is the most important tip you will ever need to know and it can be applied to every aspect of your life.

  • Focus on the moment, not on the end result.

  • Don’t get caught up in what you are trying to achieve.

  • Don’t worry about what you have to do next.

  • Don't worry about what you have already done.

  • Don't worry about what you want to achieve tomorrow

Start slowly and build as you progress.

You might be asking yourself, “How should I go about building up to 20 minutes?” The answer is quite simple: do it gradually. Start with five minutes and build your way up in small increments.

The easiest way to do this is by starting with three-minute intervals, then adding one minute each day until you reach your goal of going for 20 minutes at a time. The most important thing when doing this is to make sure that it doesn't feel like a chore or an obligation—it should feel more like something fun and enjoyable!

Let go of any thoughts that cross your mind.

When you feel a thought come up, acknowledge it and then let it go. This can be done by saying to yourself "I'm having the thought that..." or "I'm thinking about...." Then gently shift your focus back to the breath or what's happening in the present moment.

The idea behind this practice is not to forcefully push away thoughts but rather to simply acknowledge their existence and move on from there. You don't want to become preoccupied with trying not to think about something because then you'll just end up thinking about it even more!

Put distractions away to focus on a better you!

In order to be able to meditate effectively, you need to be able to focus. This is an important part of being able to let go of distractions and stay focused on the present moment. It can be difficult though! There are many different things that can distract us during meditation, like noises or the feeling of hunger pangs. If you are distracted by these things, it's best not to push yourself or else you may end up getting frustrated and giving up altogether! You might also get really hungry because we tend not to eat enough when we're stressed out so if this happens try eating something small beforehand like a banana or some toast (don't forget about toothpaste though!).


The key to effective meditation is setting yourself up for success. Make sure you find a quiet place and remove any distractions so that you can focus on the task at hand. If you need help getting started, check out our guide to getting started with meditation or go here if you want more advanced tips and techniques!

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