Best Manscaping Tips for Shaving Your Balls


Shaving your balls is an intimidating task. How do you do it? What tools should you use? Am I really going to shave my balls? All of these questions and more can flood your mind when contemplating manscaping for the first time. However, if you keep the following tips in mind when preparing for your next shave, we promise it will be easier than ever before.

Shaving your balls can be a scary thought at first. But if you follow proper manscaping techniques and use the right tools, it can actually be a rewarding experience.

Shaving your balls can be a scary thought at first. But if you follow proper manscaping techniques and use the right tools, it can actually be a rewarding experience.

Before we get started with shaving your balls, there are some things that you want to do first:

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water so that the skin of your hands is clean and smooth (i.e., not dry). This will help prevent any cuts from occurring during the shaving process.

  • Apply shaving cream or gel onto the area where you plan on shaving (this includes both testicles) so that hair is protected from being cut off too short by clippers or razors.

Once these steps have been completed, now it's time to shave!

To make sure your manscaping efforts go as smoothly as possible, there are a few things you need to do before you start trimming.

Before you start shaving, you need to make sure that your balls are clean and exfoliated. You don't want to have any unwanted nicks or cuts when you're done shaving. To avoid this, thoroughly wash your scrotum with soap and water before starting the process. If possible, use a mild soap that's made specifically for babies because it won't leave behind any residue on your skin like some other soaps can do. This will help prevent ingrown hairs from forming after you shave off all that unwanted hair below your belt line.

You should also use some kind of exfoliant before shaving—whether it's a natural product like sandpaper or something more gentle like an olive oil scrub—to ensure that every last bit of skin is free from dirt and dead cells so it will be easier for the razor blade (or whatever tool you're using) to glide smoothly across it without getting snagged on anything unpleasant!

Make sure to thoroughly wash your scrotum before you start shaving or trimming.

  • Be sure to wash your balls with soap and water before you begin. This will ensure that all the gunk gets washed away, and it’ll help prevent irritation later on.

  • Make sure to get the area around your testicles clean as well. Since they hang down rather than up, they can tend to accumulate sweat and bacteria over time, so be thorough in making sure they’re clean before shaving or trimming them.

  • Rinse off well when finished washing up—and remember that rinsing under running water works best!

Exfoliating balls before you shave them is just as important as exfoliating the rest of your body.

It's important to exfoliate your entire body before shaving. Exfoliating is a process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It helps reduce ingrown hairs and razor burn, as well as prevent them in the future. You can find products specifically made for men's bodies that include exfoliants or you can use a gentle scrub like Cetaphil Daily Facial Scrub if you don't mind using something that doesn't come with a pink package or smell like flowers (but it does smell pretty good).

Proper lubrication is key to getting an even shave without irritation.

It’s important to have the right tools for the job. A good shaving cream, gel or oil will help you get an even shave without irritation. This is especially true for those who have sensitive skin in that area.

Here are some of our favorite choices:

  • Shaving cream – eShave Foaming Shave Cream

  • Gel – The Art of Shaving Pre-Shave Hydrator

  • Oil – Jack Black Double Duty Face Lubricant for Men (this product has a light scent that smells like oranges!)

Using a good razor is extremely important when manscaping your package.

You're going to need a razor that's long enough and durable enough to get in there, but also one that won't nick and damage your skin. The best way to do this is by using a safety razor. Safety razors can be found at most drugstores and are specifically designed for manscaping your package. They have longer handles than regular razors, which makes them easier to hold onto for better control when shaving delicate areas like around the shaft of the penis or between scrotum folds. The long blade adds further stability since you'll be able to reach deeper into places like under ballsack skin folds without having to awkwardly stretch out your arm or lose the grip on your tool handle (or whatever).

When using an electric trimmer, make sure to keep the ends of the blades dry to prevent product buildup.

When using an electric trimmer, make sure to keep the ends of the blades dry to prevent product buildup. To do this, you can use a dry towel to wipe off any excess product after each use. You should also wipe down your shaver with a clean cloth before you store it away in its case or bag.

Don't forget about trimming the ball sack itself if desired.

Don't forget about trimming the ball sack itself if desired. The hair down there may look wild and unkempt, but it can be tidied up with a trimmer or scissors without causing too much damage to your nether regions. The scrotum is an area of your body that is not sensitive at all, so you can shave it like any other part of your body if you want (but don't use a razor—it'll probably cause irritation). If you're just starting out, try trimming one side at first and seeing how it feels before fully going for it on both sides.

Shaving your balls can turn into a rewarding experience if small steps are taken to prepare properly and take care of your skin beforehand

Shaving your balls can turn into a rewarding experience if small steps are taken to prepare properly and take care of your skin beforehand.

If you're new to the world of shaving down there, it's best to start when you're already in the shower or bathtub so that any discomfort caused by the shave is minimized by hot water. If you're already out of the tub and have dried off, use a hair conditioner on your scrotum before applying shaving cream. The conditioner will help lift hairs more easily while providing lubrication for what would otherwise be a painful shave. It also creates a barrier between skin and razor blade that prevents cuts and nicks from occurring during shaving.

Next, make sure there's plenty of light so that you can see what's happening in those tricky spots around your scrotum (or wherever else on your body). Make sure not to forget about ingrown hairs—they may seem like no big deal at first but they can become painful later on if left untreated!


To recap, here are the main things we learned from this guide. First off, make sure to thoroughly wash your scrotum before you start shaving or trimming. This will help you avoid irritation later on in the process because it will remove any dirt or debris that may have settled there during your shower. Also, exfoliating balls before shaving them is just as important as exfoliating the rest of your body; an even texture means less chances of cuts during grooming time! Finally (and most importantly), proper lubrication is key to getting an even shave without irritation; just remember that shaving cream won't do much good if it doesn't get under those sensitive areas first! If you follow these tips and use our advice when planning out how best to approach this task at home - then trust us when we say 'you'll be glad that day came'!"